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The Women Behind Latinicida: Meet Our Founders

Andrea Moreno, Esq


Andrea Moreno, born in Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico, moved to Delaware at a young age with her mother who left her job as a dentist in Mexico to give Andrea a better life. A big motivator for creating Latinicida was rooted in early childhood memories once in Delaware. Andrea stated that she “remembers how difficult it was to go through the college application process without help,” and also stated that “as Latinas and as Latinas who strive to be in positions of power, we deal with the not-so-subtle hyper-sexualization from media outlets and immigrant portrayals.”

Andrea attended Norwich University for her undergraduate in International Studies and French and received her Juris Doctorate at Vermont Law School. She now serves, in addition to a co-founder of Latinicida, as a Captain in the U.S. Army JAG Corps where she practices Administrative and Fiscal Law. Going to a predominantly white college and then attending law school, Andrea was rarely exposed to other Latinas. She stated that she “didn’t have a mentor until my senior year of college, and it was an older gentleman from Vermont who, by fate, was glad to help me apply to law school.” Andrea’s hope for Latinicida is for it to serve as a mentorship hub for Latinas in all career fields - high school students, single mothers, and even those in vocational training. 

“Ultimately, the goal is to have more women who look like us in positions we aspire to be in and who can guide us in our journey. I am lucky enough to have a best friend and team who is just as passionate about women’s empowerment and the advancement of Latinas.”

- Andrea Moreno

Katarina Wabrek


Massachusetts native, Katarina Wabrek, also attended Norwich University where she met her college best friend Andrea Moreno. “Being of Hispanic heritage,” Katarina noted, “our similar cultural backgrounds and interest allowed us to click instantly.” Throughout the years of undergraduate and graduate studies, both Andrea and Katarina struggled financially in order to continue their education. Katarina graduated with an undergraduate degree in Architecture when the idea to create a nonprofit crossed Andrea's mind and she immediately reached out to Katarina. If Andrea was the initial vision, Katarina noted that “my architectural and graphic design background helped provide clarity and make it a reality.”  

“This quickly became our opportunity to make a difference in the world and become the leaders we both strive to be,” Katarina stated. Katarina’s mother as a first-generation constantly struggled to remain within college due to cost. The heartbreak of not knowing if or when you can return to school for the following semester is not an easy burden to hold. Her drive for education and a better life “carried directly over to my siblings and me, as she was determined to ensure that we made the most of ourselves,” stated Katarina, “my mother laid the foundation for my siblings and me to chase our dreams.” Latincida is Katarina’s opportunity to give back to the Latin community. “I strive to provide a similar foundation that my mother gave me to other young Latinas,” noted Katarina, “I want Latinas to know that, regardless of color, sex, language, or cultural background, we are capable of so much more than what society tells us.” 

“It is through Latinicida that Andrea and I can directly aid Latinas and help advance the Latina community. We strive to produce the next generation of Latina leaders.”

- Katarina Wabrek